Archive for November, 2013

The Thanksgiving Season

Dr. Jim here! With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, on bahalf of the entire Fisher Jones Family Dentistry team, I would like to wish all of you a hapy and safe Thanksgiving holiday weekend. If you are traveling, we hope you arrive and return safely, especially with the changes in weather this time of year. We […]

Uh Oh! I cracked my tooth!

Dr. Garrett here!  With the holiday season fast approaching we have many wonderful things to look forward to.  Meals with family, travelling, gifts, and sharing time with our loved ones are just a few of the great things about the holidays.  At my house, Thanksgiving is an absolute feast as my wife Allison has a […]

Chemotherapy, Radiation and Dentistry

Dr. Matt here. There are many reasons for using chemotherapy as a treatment. It is important that you include your oral health care providers early on. We recommend if possible one month prior to treatment. The Dentist and Dental Hygienist will develop a management plan to help aid in your care as you go through […]